How to convert any Machine Learning model for the iOS application and build it into the project

In this article, we will go through all steps of the process of how to build and train a custom machine learning model, convert it into proper type to work with iOS application, and then build a small iOS application using this model. We will do this based on an example of images style transfer.

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What is Deep Reinforcement Learning, why it was recently so loud about it and why it is currently considered the most promising method of AI

In March 2016 an algorithm created by Google’s DeepMind called AlphaGo beat a world champion Lee Sedol in a game called Go.

Go is a board game with quite simple rules. In China, this game is played for over 3000 years (there are even specialized schools that train Go players). What exactly happened? Why this event made so many headlines and why all scientific environments around machine learning and Artificial Intelligence consider this a big breakthrough that nobody considered to happen for at least another decade?

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